彭艾龍博士是位傑出的學者,致力於生命科學之研究,身為一個西方人卻有著東方的靈魂,師承亞洲研究院創辦人牛法丹老師 ,東方的學問是講求實證的 ,他實踐 道家的內外丹法,將天人合一之精神弘揚至全世界,他的志業是以傳授道家的知識方法,讓西方人更了解人在天地之間的關係,讓新的世代創生出可能性,為世界貢獻愛 達成宇宙和諧。亞洲研究院特頒此狀,一來表示其師出有名的正統性,二來也對其傳授道法表達支持,再來他的志業和本院的宗旨「人文關懷、身心整合、四海一家、愛無國界 」契合非常。期許東西方互相遙望,互相呼應 ,終究道法自然,身心安頓即是最大的力量, 終極迎向新文明新時代!
范安妮 合十
「 丹心丹法道功成,法丹心法掦四海 」
President Fan An Ni Linage Holder of Niu Fadan - Wudang Shan Inner and Outer Alchemical Daoist Linage
理事長 范安妮是牛法丹老師道功內外丹法的正統傳承者。
Since 2013 Dr. Alejandro Pe(aro Sánchez has been an outstanding scholar
active post-doc researcher in our Institute in the field)of Daoist Life Sciences, Chinese Medicine, inner-outer Alchemical practices as well as heritage and transmission of the knowledge of Master Niu Fadan linage.
Since 2016 is Dr. Alejandro Pe(aro Sánchez
Specialist Advisor of our directive board and his Daoist Institute – DAOMAC (R) is an In)rnational Representative our Academia Asia.
All investigation and teaching activities of Dr. Alejandro Pe(aro Sánchez in terms of Daoism, Chinese Life Sciences, Chinese Medicine and especially inner-outer A)hemical practices receive our completely support and he is entitled in the name of Academia Asia to conduce further students and researchers together in all possible knowledge-practice transmission and research projects.
For all effects it may concern here this certification on the 3rd of May of 2020